The Power of Floating

Imagine being a 24-year-old man, naked and floating in a pod, inducing complete sensory deprivation and being immersed in what I can only describe as adult sized womb. Sound terrifying? Well, today I did just that, but alas, it was not scary in the slightest and instead it ending up being both relaxing and transformative.

To my surprise, I learnt that floatation therapy has been around for around 60 years. It is yet however, to become mainstream. I for one, knew nothing about it.

A few weeks back, I was browsing the web looking for something interesting and new that a friend and I could try out. This is when I came across ‘Float Works’ in Vauxhall, London. Intrigued, I booked us one ‘float’.

I arrived at 9 am and was overcome by a sense of tranquillity. The receptionist positively oozed zen, making my friend and I feel at ease; this was particularly reassuring when trying something so new and unusual.

He showed each of us to our private room where a large white pod filled with salt water greeted me. He explained its features and left us to shower and hop in. Normally I would be nervous, but the staff were so friendly and positive that any residual nerves evaporated.

I took off my clothes and lay down in the water. I felt the tension in my body melt away. Turning the pod’s lights off, I was lost in complete darkness, left to focus on my own thoughts for a full hour.

After the fifteen minutes of quiet music (to ‘ease you in’) I lost any sense of time. I began to fade in and out of active thought, managing in the main to clear my mind. The water, being perfect room temperature, meant that I wasn’t able to tell which parts of me were in the water and which were out. I focused on my breath and could hear only my heartbeat; I had completely succumbed to the pod.

The hour was up in what felt like minutes. Before entering, I was convinced that this whole process might drag on, but instead I was shocked at how quickly the time flew!

After the float, I felt happier, lighter and rejuvenated. I made my way up to the ‘relaxation room’ and poured myself a complementary herbal tea, and pondered the immense and positive impact of the float. I am a massage addict, but let me tell you, this float session was more wellness inducing than any massage I have ever received. It was special absolutely worth the £50 price tag.

I’m giving this 5/5 on the happiness scale.

This article originally appeared on huffingtonpost and was written by Nader Dehdasht


Autism and REST Float Therapy

Float Therapy is being noted as a positive therapy for people with Autism, as well as a form of psychological therapy. This is due to the reduced stimulation and low sensory input required by the brain. The amount of information that has to be received, monitored and processed is significantly reduced in a sensory deprivation tank (float tank) and is being used as treatment to regulate the biochemistry of the brain and nervous system.

Q: What does Floatation REST stand for?

A: REST was an acronym coined by the research team of Dr. Peter Suedfeld and Dr. Roderick Borrie. It has two usages: Dr. Suedfeld preferred Restricted Environmental Stimulus Technique while Dr. Borrie preferred Reduced Environmental Stress Therapy, a term which is easier for laymen to understand and speaks more to the practical applications of floatation therapy.

REST as a Treatment for Children with Autism

Several studies suggest that average levels of stimulation may be too high for autistic children (C. Hutt, S. Hutt, Lee, & Ounsted, 1964; Margolies, 1977; Schechter, Shurley, Toussieng, & Maier, 1969; Suedfeld & Schwartz, 1983). Alternatively, others attribute the problem to a deprivation of sensory input (Moore & Shiek, 1971; Williams & Harper, 1974). Theories and evidence from clinical observations converge on a characterization of autism as an abnormal reaction to environmental stimuli or a dysfunction in the ability to adequately process average levels of stimuli (American Psychiatric Association, 1987; Fein, Waterhouse, Lucci, & Snyder, 1985; Ornitz & Ritvo, 1976; Wing & Gould, 1979). Bartak, Rutter, and Cox (1975) have shown that individuals with autism have limited or restricted interactions. Theories consistent with this evidence suggest that exposure to average levels of stimuli results in a cognitive processing breakdown and an abnormal (restrictive) response to the environment (e.g., Hermelin, 1976; Rutter, 1983; Shah & Wing, 1986). If these theories are correct, one would expect a reduction in the amount of stimuli these individuals are required to process to result in a reduction of autistic symptoms and a desire for stimulation.

Restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) as a treatment for autistic children.

This study explored the usefulness of 48 hours of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) as a treatment for autistic children. In order to provide quantified objective measures for evaluating the effects of this treatment, a battery of psychological tests was developed which would be useful and practical for the assessment of these children in regular diagnostic settings. Several positive changes in learning, social and play behavior, and cognitive functioning were noted.

Float Therapy for PTSD and Anxiety

Quality of Life with Flotation Therapy for a Person Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, Atypical Autism, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression

The aim of this single-subject study was to report experiences from one and a half years of regular floating as described by a person with neuropsychiatric and mental health disorders. Floating, or Flotation Restricted Environmental Stimula- tion Technique, involves relaxation and sensory deprivation by means of resting in a tank with highly salted and body-tempered water. The subject, a 24-year-old woman diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, atypi- cal autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression floated regularly for one and a half years. Interviews regarding her experiences were analyzed and the main findings involved a subjective sense of improved quality of life, wellbeing and healthy behavior. There were no negative effects from treatment. Results suggest that floating may have beneficial therapeutic effects on mental health. Further studies that evaluate the efficacy and possible effects of floating with regard to mental health are needed.

The benefits of this experience will stay with you for days and your quality of sleep will improve. Here are some more reasons to float if you suffer PTSD:

  • Calm, safe environment
  • Pleasure, feel good chemicals, dopamine and endorphins are released
  • Cortisol is reduced
  • Mental clarity
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Muscles are relaxed
  • Magnesium replacement : Stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency, and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem. In studies, adrenaline and cortisol, byproducts of the “fight or flight” reaction associated with stress and anxiety, were associated with decreased magnesium. Because stressful conditions require more magnesium use by the body, all such conditions may lead to deficiency, including both psychological and physical forms of stress such as surgery, burns, and chronic disease.

Treating ADHD by Floating in Salt Water?

Can Floating in Salt Water Near Body Temperature be Used as an Effective, Natural ADHD Treatment?


One of the things I enjoy most about researching and writing this blog is that I get a chance to review the literature of some pretty zany diagnostic and treatment methods for ADHD. I often wonder what is going through the minds of some of these researchers as they concoct these seemingly eccentric modes of treatment for the disorder.


This blog has covered some of these seemingly bizarre treatments, including treating ADHD with mirrors, EEG manipulated ADHD treatment, light therapy for ADHD with seasonal affective disorders, and the effectiveness of behavioral therapy measures for ADHD, and hinted at other treatments such as vestibular stimulation for ADHD.


A recent article in Cases Journal on treating a patient with ADHD and Asperger's by flotation sessions in a tank of salt water struck me as particularly bizarre, but piqued my curiosity. However, the justifications and apparent effectiveness of these measures suggests that further investigation may be warranted. Before we all decide to take a prolonged trip to the Dead Sea, we should investigate the methods of this treatment process and check for scientific evidence behind its claims. Below is a summary of the process, and some of the major points the article's authors conjured up to validate the effects of this form of ADHD treatment.

  • As the name of the journal title suggests, this was a case report on a single individual, and not a controlled clinical study. However, I have repeated given my opinion on how case studies, although statistically inferior to controlled trials, should retain a place in novel medical treatments.

  • The patient was a 36 year-old woman co-diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's (although keep in mind that many diagnostic methods forbid the co-diagnosis of ADHD with anything along the Autistic Spectrum, including Asperger's. However, many clinicians often ignore this guideline and have no problem with diagnosing a person with these two comorbid disorders).

  • The study authors noted that a number of the alternative treatments which previously showed promise hinged on triggering arousal levels (mirrors, EEG, etc.). It is well documented that deficiencies within arousal levels are common in the ADHD population. Hence, a sensory stimulation via flotation in a water tank may possibly show promise as an alternative ADHD treatment.

  • The flotation device is essentially a covered tank (to minimize the impact of outside sources of stimulation) containing highly concentrated salt water (to enable easier floating and buoyancy) at near-body temperature (to reduce tactile stimulation due to a temperature difference between the person's body and outside environment). Keep in mind that this water is typically only 8 inches to a foot (20 to 30 centimeters) deep, and its high salt content (much higher than the ocean) allows one to float easily without touching the bottom of the tank. This method, called flotation-Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique or flotation-REST, has been shown to be an effective stress-reliever and relaxation method. A total of 19 flotation treatment sessions were done within the span of about a year.

  • The authors found five key components (arousal control, inhibition/activity regulation, sensory integration and interpretation, cognitive abilities, and emotional abilities) of ADHD behavior to be positively affected by flotation.
  1. Arousal control: As mentioned previously, arousal levels have been shown to be a significant component of ADHD (and it can be either over or under-arousal). The flotation-REST method apparently addresses the arousal problem and normalizes this state by providing an environment which screens out most visual and tactile environmental stimulants.

  2. Activity regulation/inhibitory control of physical processes: Often a hallmark characteristic of ADHD is the difficulty with inhibition control or impulsivity with regards to physical movements, especially in younger children. Impulsively grabbing at objects or persons is a common occurrence among children with the disorder (as almost any parent of and ADHD child can attest!). The salt water/ADHD treatment case study highlights that the salt water flotation/isolation therapy may alleviate some of this behavior due to it's effect on allowing the individual to "internalize" their focus on their physical movements, which may build up more regulatory ability of motor control and enhance the ability to restrict inappropriate physical impulses.
  3. Sensory integration: We have previously alluded to the possible connection between ADHD and sensory integration (in the context of balance impairment and inner-ear dysfunction on ADHD) disorders. Additionally, numerous studies on fine motor skill deficiencies, such as handwriting and ADHD have been covered this blog and studied in the literature. It appears (at least in theory, according to the case study and journal article) that the flotation experience in a sensory restricted environment enhances the patient's sensory integration abilities by depriving external sensory stimuli, leaving room for the person in the salt water tank more time to focus and coordinate his or her senses.
  4. Improvements in cognitive abilities for ADHD patients: We have discussed cognitive abilities in ADHD (as related to pharmacological treatment strategies) in previous posts, and there are numerous studies on comorbid cognitive deficits in those with ADHD. Furthermore, some posit a cognitive energy deficiency as the underlying cause to ADHD, identified as a cognitive-energetic model of the disorder. These deficiencies are believed to be at least partially remedied or improved by the flotation in salt water treatment, mainly due to the distraction-free environment being conducive to periods of prolonged concentration and enhanced thinking without interruption. According to the article, many of these benefits continue after the individual is out of the tank even for a period of a few weeks (of which these effects then begin to taper off).
  5. Imrovements in personal emotional abilities: Emotional abilities, especially as they relate to inter-personal interactions and relationships can also be a common deficit in individuals with ADHD. The flotation technique is believed to improve this aspect as well, as it provides an environment of personal self-acceptance which can then be transferred to improved relationships with others and their emotions.

In conclusion, we should probably not go running out to buy a big shark tank (minus the shark of course!) just yet. Remember, this was just one simple case study done in Sweden of a 36-year old woman with comorbid Asperger's. Obviously further study is warranted, and there are a number of loose ends that must be tied up before this alternative treatment method is accepted and goes mainstream. Future studies on the effectiveness of this treatment for children with the disorder would be especially useful. Nevertheless, this Flotation Restricted Environment Stimulation Technique (flotation REST) has shown to be useful in other areas of psychological function, including as a relaxation/stress reduction method.

Thus, (in this blogger's personal opinion) this flotation REST technique may be especially good for ADHD'ers who suffer from high levels or irritability or have comorbid anxiety or depressive qualities (perhaps not those with claustrophobia or hydrophobia though!). Individuals with ADHD who have responded well to Wellbutrin or other antidepressant medications may be especially good candidates for this flotation treatment, at least in theory based on our current observations at the time.

Additionally, it is worth the re-mention that the woman of the case study had co-morbid (co-existing) Asperger's and was already on an antidepressant medication throughout the whole course of the study. This may be good news for those who suffer from co-morbid disorders, as well as the fact that this flotation REST technique seems to be relatively compatible with medication treatment. Thus supplemental treatment by flotation in salt water near body temperature may be a good adjunctive measure for individuals with ADHD and a wide spectrum of comorbid disorders.

This article originally appeared on