What To Expect from an Osteopathic Treatment

If you are a new patient:

After taking an extensive case history, we do an initial structural assessment and perform motion tests and any necessary neurological and orthopedic tests. We may request other investigations if necessary for diagnosis.

We assess the range and quality of motion in joints and soft tissues and look at your general structural/ postural pattern.

The reason for taking a comprehensive case history and performing an initial assessment is to judge whether it is safe for us to use particular osteopathic techniques with you, and whether osteopathic treatment is appropriate.

We are interested in what has worked for you previously, and whether you have treatment preferences.

We can explain the treatment plan, and gain your consent before treatment. You should let us know immediately, even during the treatment, if you would like to change or stop and discuss the treatment we are giving you.

Your Osteopath will then explain to you what they have found and how they would like to approach the treatment, as well as explain what you may expect, any risks involved, and gain your consent for treatment .

The Osteopathic Treatment:

The treatment itself can vary practitioner to practitioner, but all will involve a hands-on approach.  Osteopaths have a wide variety of manual techniques they use to treat various complaints. They include:

  • Massage (soft-tissue releases)
  • Stretching
  • Articulation (joints are passively taken through their range of motion by the osteopath)
  • Muscle Energy Techniques (used to lengthen tight, contracted muscles)
  • Counterstrain (releases tight muscles by positioning the affected muscle in a shortened position to stretch the opposing muscles)
  • Manipulations (short, quick, precise low-amplitude movements used to improve range of motion at the joint)
  • Functional Techniques (gentle mobilisation of joints)
  • Visceral Techniques 
  • Osteopathy in the Cranial Field

At the end of the treatment, your Osteopath will reassess the initial movements that you performed so that we can see how effective the treatment has been. Your Osteopath may organise a return consultation and may give you some stretches and exercises to do at home to help speed up your recovery or improve your body's function. We may be able to give you advice about suitable physical activity during this recovery period.

We have special pillows so that our pregnant patients can lie comfortably.

For your Osteopathic Consultation:


  •  X-rays, scans and results of investigations
  • Private Health Insurance card /Workcover/Motor Vehicle claim numbers/ EPC form/ DVA referral form and card


  • Comfortable clothes. Depending on the Osteopathic Practitioner and the area of concern, some disrobing may be required, but at all times you will be draped with towels and/or provided with a gown to ensure you feel comfortable during the treatment. 


  • Allow 5-10 minutes extra for your initial consultation to fill in your information sheet.
  • Initial consults last 45-60 minutes
  • Followup treatments run for 30-45 minutes

How many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments needed depends on how long you have had the problem, how severe it is, and how your body responds to treatment. 

Like any other form of therapy/treatment, occasional unwanted reactions may occur.  These usually don't last long, but if you would like your osteopath to talk to you about what is happening, please ring us. 

On average, people have between 3 to 6 Osteopathic treatments for good results. However, you may only need 1 or 2 visits.

This article originally appeared on fremantleosteopathy.com.au